In distant lands, the Europeans set their sight, A quest for power, wealth, and divine right. They journeyed to a land unknown and new, With hearts filled with greed, their intentions askew. The Africans lived in harmony and peace, Their own spiritual practices...
Beyond the Inferno: Unmasking Divine Justice
In the realm of fiery tales, where questions start to rise, I ponder on the notion of hell, where torment never dies. They say it's a choice we make, a path we freely tread, But can it truly be a choice, or an ultimatum instead? Lamentations 3:22 declares God's love...
Shattered Illusions: Unraveling the Veil of Religious Divisions
In a world of myriad beliefs, a tapestry unfurled, Religion stands tall, its divisions world. Christian factions countless, interpretations vast, Muslim sects diverging, their doctrines steadfast. Hinduism's rich tapestry, a colorful array, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains,...
Religion’s Paradox: Unveiling the Veil of Ignorance.
In the realm of faith, a paradox prevails, Where religion's teachings, their virtues unveiled. Unity, love, and peace they proclaim, Yet history reveals a different game. Within sacred walls, hypocrisy resides, Believers professing, veiling their divides. Preaching...